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Russia 630102
46 Kirova
Russia Novosibirsk Mission
Sister Heather Trottier

(Yes I know it is backwards, its right I promise!)

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This week was crazy fun I got my new companion! haha Her name is Sister Sanford her first name is Tierre which is cool right?  well she is just legit! She has been in Russia for four months, and has been serving with Sister Schwab!   her russian is already great and she is just excitied and spunky and ready to work and try all of my crazy ideas along with the whole bunch of crazy ideas that she has!

It just barely happened that we  kinda started our transfer because sisters have been in and out of the city so between work and stuff we have to pick people up from bus stations and the office and take them with us etc etc because of visa trips.  we had Sister Erekson with us the first half of the week and Sister Margolies the second half.  and a whole bunch of sisters just randomly. its alot of fun to be with everyone but it is harder to work and to get everyone around haha. 
Me and my companion have started a new tradition i think.  To do something we have never done ever or something terribly crazy every day! haha I feel kinda bad because I have put her in a lot of crazy situations already.

So as you know I can't read a map and I can't get around anywhere! even in Bountiful, Utah sometimes. And it just so happens that every companion I have had is great at reading maps and knowing dirctions and had already served in my city so I was never in I was hoping that this would be the case with my new companion as well......well as it goes she was praying that I knew how to read a map because she doesn't! oh man oh man! the first night we were trying to find ONE house and it took like an hour!  I mean we could find it on the house map that shows all the building numbers but we also have a transport map that shows us buses and stuff and we found it on both maps but couldnt see how they related, and then we had to figure out how to get there! but the good thing is that we were laughing hysterically haha so at least it was funny.  but Sister Sandford said something intersting, she said That the Lord always makes our weaknesses our strengths, but sometimes not in the way we think that He will.  He might not make us geniuses at reading the map, but we are going to have to talk to alot of people and this is our way to make friends and to talk to people! and believe me, this last week I have asked more people for directions than any time in my life!  
my companion is from Las Vegas,  she knows who the Klemms are. small world when you are in the church huh?
This member all of a sudden has been a great missionary and has been inviting us to go to inactive members with her! so we went to one with her which was good, her name was tamara,,,,but she reads some material i'm not sure about but....i think she felt the spirit.   then we went to the Webbs to drop off Sister Erekson and pick up Sister Margolies it was way fun, a bunch of sisters and the Webbs cooked us dinner! we had all served in Omsk so we just had a big fest of what was happening in each city etc etc and the other sisters tried to teach us how to read maps!  

So then Thursday. it was a good day too!  All sorts of planning for planning day and it was great! We have alot of goals and crazy ideas that I would go into detail about cause its cool but its maybe later.  but then we had a meeting with our new investigator Kcoocsha in Sniggory.  she is great! she read the WHOLE BOOK OF MORMON!  ALL OF IT!! we were all shocked and had no words!!!! it was crazy!  we didnt' know what to do! but it was great!  we taught the plan of salvation and she just ate it up!  we asked her to be baptized on the 14th and she said YES!!!  we have alot more to teach but she is excited.

On the way home we got on a bus and we saw a family that we had seen on the bus to Snig just like an hour or two before! which never happens! so I of course had to talk to them and I talked to the dad. it was a good conversation.  He said he noticed us before because he has had missionaries talk to him before about his family being together forever! i told him it was a sign from God!  We just talked awhile..he wasn't interested really but he felt the spirit. it was great.

We then went to English which was fun and Natalia met with us. She is the eternal investigator.  I love her so much. She is more active than most members!  we just need to know what her concerns are. its going to take alot of prayer and fasting i think.  

Friday we had district meeting and all we talked about was all the holidays coming haha we have a bunch coming up. christmas, russian christmas and new years, we can't be outside for most of them so we have alot of down time to clean and study etc etc. that will be good i think.   we then ran to a meeting with that family that i told you about last week that we met on the bus with the little girl remember?  well it took FOREVER to get there and  we weren't sure if we were going right so we started talking to some babooshki which was fun and we got a whole bunch of them talking and asking us questions about us, america, the church etc,etc. and then they all had to give their two sense about how to get where we were going and they got us lost hahah but eventually we got there.  and it was a crazy meeting. lets just say that we were preaching to a preacher. pretty sure they are preachers for their church. they told us the name a bunch of times but I have no idea what it is. something about 7 people inside of one person from a house....i dont know...but it was crazy. she was really nice and they were a great family but it ended up that we just had to part being friends......

so we were hurrying back for a lesson and we were on a bus and over the intercom it tells you where to get off...but it was  wrong! and we got off!  and we had to walk forever and it was freezing but there was such bad traffic we made it there faster than our bus anyways!!  so we got to our group lesson which was actually one person...which isn't a group but it was good anyways! one is better than none!  

Saturday 5 sisters showed up at our apartment early in the morning to sleep for a while before their next trian or airplane and we went out early to help someone do their visiting teaching.  she asked us to help her take her food storage to the food storage we said yes of course and she took us to this metal door in the middle of the park which are everywhere and i had no idea what they were.  so we went down these creepy stairs underground into what looked almost like the catacombs in italy!! it was sweet! it was like a maze! it is here they keep their food storage! she gave us like half of her food from there! haha not really but kinda...

so then we had the christmas party which was great. i was in the choir and they put on a whole production of the nativity with all the primary kids and some adults. it was great! we got a girl named anya to come with us who is an inactive. unlike most people here she is sooooo tall!!  and just big, she towers over everyone! haha its fun to be with her though and she is super great!  we became great friends with her! i hope we can get her to get some friends here and come back!  

sunday  we went to church in sniggory. the relief society have a goal of doing 100 percent visting teaching which never happens cause there are like ten million and they are six sisters away from their goal! so we took two names and they are going to do it!  they are so great!  

we had a few meetings and went to a fireside!

WHEW! that was a crazy email and week and this week has started off great too! we made some specific plans and set some specific goals and are already seeing the specific results! thats how it all goes!  

I love this gospel. I love to see the way it is changing me and the way it changes other people.  it is incredible.

Sorry no sharing of my studies but i am in moroni and am so thankful for him. i am glad he kept writing! look at all we have from him!  great work huh!?  i will talk to you in 6 days!   bye! i love you!

Sister Trottier

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