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Russia 630102
46 Kirova
Russia Novosibirsk Mission
Sister Heather Trottier

(Yes I know it is backwards, its right I promise!)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feb 5th

WELL......EVERYTHING has changed! haha I am in Tomsk right now and my new companion is Sister Margolies.... again :)  haha but you already knew that :)  but i am so excited. it is great to be with her again. She has become like an extra sister. You will get to know her after the mission i am sure :)  and this week was crazy crazy.  Some more good bye meetings in Novo which is always sad. Especially with little Anya. But we went over with a present and some love and scriptures. We gave her a sketch book because she loves to draw and we encouraged her to develop her talent. it was the cutest thing she said "And your talent is to be Sister Missionaries".  I almost started crying. it was so so sweet. I hope that is my talent. Or at least i would like to practice so that is my talent, to be a servant of the Lord.  It reminded of me of that talk in General Conference where the man had a girl ask if he was a REAL missionary.  Little Anya's voice will be in my head always now i think helping me want to develop my talent of being a missionary. 
Sister Conference was INCREDIBLE! haha it was so great! all the sisters together! which is 11 i think?  it was  such a party! first we got an invitation which sister Gibbons made haha it was so sister missionary like! all the elders were jealous! they said that they never get invitations! it was colorful and included words such as "Chat, visit, Chocolate, Cinnamon Rolls, and Ballet" :) i will forward it to you if i remember :)  We learned a ton a ton.  President spoke a few times. The first time was about HOPE and LIGHT and he related it to a old jewish tradition of a red thread. which is symbolic of HOPE.  did you know that the old hebrew word for hope is Tikba which is translated hope OR thread. and he talked about 5 women in the bible of hope and 3 have stories connected to a red thread.  Tamar, Rachab, Ruth, Bathsheba and Mary.  I would go through the stories but i don't have much time and if you really want to know you can study it some and you can ask and i will share :) President talked about alot LIGHT  christs light, how we need to be light.  
Sister Gibbons talked alot about opening our hearts, having open soft, willing and repentant hearts. that is key for us.  one of the keys to being happy and successful is having the right desires in our hearts.  she also talked about keeping the most important things in our lives. What is precious to us safe.
Intestesting, President talked about how the book of mormon says "it mattereth not" 4 times in the Book of mormon.  ALMA 61:9 - Critisism is not important let it roll off your back ETHER 12:37 if other people don't love us. as long as we do our part, love them and serve them and serve God.  MORMON 8:4 After we accomplish what we were send here to accomplish and do what the Lord wants, nothing else matters, as long as we fulfill our parts of dicsiple ship.  ETHER 15:34 So many things don't mattter as long as we do what we need to do be saved and build up the kingdom. 
They of course told us love stories cause it was a sisters conference!  haha they told us how their parents met which were crazy and how they met! he read us some of Sister Gibbons journal entries haha she kept a great accurate detailed journal from the day they met until they got engaged. it was so cute!  they let us read all of them for our bed time story! haha ya, we had a sleep over! it was great! first time in a long time with so much girls and food etc etc. 
it was crazy. they talked all about us as wives and mothers, kinda leaving out the whole we are missionaries part....haha oh well i guess.   learned alot for future reference.  
we also had a testimony meeting with all the sisters. I know them all and love them so much!  the crazy thing is that most of us will be going home soon so everyone will be new.  We have 6 new sisters coming in in the next 4 months and 7 leaving and then two months after that 2 more leave. or something crazy like that.  its craziness! 
then we went to the ballet, Swan Lake. it was really good!  I think i have come to enjoy ballets more :)  sorry about that. But the only time before i liked to watch when audrey was dancing. but the swan princess lady reminded me of how audrey danced.  very reagal and confident and beautiful. she was super over flexible and i wonder if it is bad to have TOO much of an arch? ya know?  i know know. but if it is. she had too much.  sat by a girl who thought i was going to travel the world my whole life and be a missionary :) haha i laughed. It would be cool. but no.  we gotta live normal life too. have families and serve the Lord in different ways.
mom- we are trying to start geneology stuff here for people to come learn how. but I need to to send maybe some pictures of my great great grandparents and wateever you can find. not real ones. just copies if you could.  :) thanks.  i guess we have to be examples or something before we aske people to do it...although i didn't do it. My grandpas did.... :) but don't tell :)
Sister Sanford and i had a miracle day for our last day! what a great way to end ya? first it started off bad. our meeting canceled two minutes before haha and we were looking over our planners and lists and some one called. This is the conversation
Me- Hello
HEr-  Whats your name
Me - Sister Trottier
Her- what does that mean? who is this?
Me uh we are missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints
Her- what? is this a church?
me- Yes we are missionaries
H- i have pamphlet and i have read it a couple times and it says i need a book of mormon to read and ask God if its true. I don't have a book of Mormon.
M- Well that is great we would love to get one to you
H- my granddaughter recieved this pamphlet in october and she didn't want it so i read it and i love it. I want to read the Book of Mormon.
M. Ok well we have time right now can we come over?
H- ya come on over!
so we did of course AND called a member who just happened to be about her age and who happened to live right by her and who happened to be home!  i felt like such a normal PMG missionary! it was so great!  she was way nice and way great.
We then had another investigator meeting with Nastya. She told us she wants to get baptized but her parents are against. We would like to meet them but they live in an area we aren't allowed in. its like a military base or something....she she is great.
THEN one of the girls i love from english who hasen't come in a while wanted to meet with us. she always asked us to not talk about the gospel with her but i brought a book of mormon and wrote a whole bunch to her. She came and i just told her how much the gospel means to me and gave her the book and asked if she would meet with the sisters. and She said yes! it was great!   and then we went to say bye to the webbs...that was sad. but i will see them alot anyways.
anyways....this email is all over the place and not in order, but thats ok i guess.  so me and sisters margolies, sanford and holmes all drove with president and sister gibbons to tomsk which is like 4 weeks. it was way way great and fun! we got to pick presidents brain for the whole time and ask him all sorts of questions.  best ever!
Tomsk is great. it has a great feeling of excitment and energy! i can just feel the miracles waiting to happen here.  its more european feeling. its one of the oldest cities with great architecture, but there are alot of universtities so alot of youth from all over the world and so all inside the buildings are modern stores etc etc. We have a REAL branch building that is beautiful. and HUGE and the members are great. I have been here one day and i feel close to some of them already. they are open and loving.
We found a new lady yesterday on the street who is really nice. Her name is galina.  she is an investigator right now with the Jehovah witnesses....kinda worried about that as well. but she is really nice and wants to meet....pray for that one ok?
met with a family that has like 12 million people living in one apartment with a million kids.  The kids are so cute and they just need love. you can tell when we go there because they just meet us with big grins and hugs! and don't want us to go.  we then of course talked alot with us as sisters about how blessed we are. I can't believe how some people live. I can't even imagine how it would be.  
its getting WARM! haha i know it sounds crazy but i woke up and looked outside and i siad that i thought it looked cold and sister Holmes looked at the thermometer and said no actually its only negative 15!  its spring sister! and i was so happy! haha and then we thought about it and realized we are crazy cause we think -15 is warm haha but it really is comparatively :)  I hope it stays warm and doesn't go back. 
I love something one of the sister Said that is going home soon, she said " When something ends, something else begins"  its very true. gotta just keep living in what you are doing at the moment. find the Joy.  Rejoice. we have alot to be hapy about and lovei n life. 
Read Moses 6:61- they are 12 synynoms for the Holy Ghost. Pretty cool. picturse today :(   sister sanford and her beautiful camera cord are in Novo. I will try to figure out how to do it again but no promises :) 
Welp.    The Church is true.  The gospel is the way.  We can live happily.  We can succeed.  Its so great. I love you all so so much!
Love Sister Trottier

1 comment:

  1. My son is serving in the same mission, his name is Elder Mitch Davis he is currently serving with Elder Walker as zl's in Novosibirsk, however he was previously in Tomsk. He has been out over a year and is from Mesa, Arizona. It doesn't look like he has served with your sister yet. I didn't see him in any photos but I did recognize a few of the other Elders. Would you mind if I used a few of your sister's photos of Russia from this sight to add to my son's album. She has some amazing ice sculpture photos and a photo of one of the church buildings I would like to use. I want to post them on Mitch's facebook Missionary album, actually it's my face book page and I have a album of his photos he has sent. I don't know how to set up a blog so this is my version!!! I can add you as my friend if you wanted to check out his photos from Russia. Thank you so much. I enjoy reading your sisters letters, she looks like a great missionary! Thanks again, Jenny Davis
