alot of great things have been happening here! My
companion is amazing! Tomsk is incredible! The members are angels! The
church is true! haha.....oh emails are those emails that
people get and they just roll their eyes and hope that the missionary
will be somewhat normal later huh? :) we got all sorts of new contacts
this week and new investigators!
its interesting...a few times this week we have just
been walking down the street and i have literally felt as though some
one was pushing me with two hands on my back towards someone in order to
talk to them and before i even know it, my mouth is open and i am
speaking! It happened once with this babushka who was just so sweet.
We pretty much gave her the first lesson on the street and her reaction
was this "Do you mean to tell me that you believe in THE restored
church!? a restoration of Christ's Church?! This is what i have been
looking for!" If you didn't know, it is that exact phrase right there
that EVERY missionary LOVES to hear!!! and another lady we stopped and
she gave some lame excuse and i handed her pamphlet as she just walked
away and she looked at it and stopped. She started talking about two
young Americans who 8 years ago befriended her handicapped son and
helped him make friends. My companion asked if they had talked about
Joseph Smith (i was worried about that...that question gets alot of bad
responses usually) and she said YES! It is you then!? we wanted to
come but somehow lost touch! Oh man oh man! and THEN yesterday just
some random guy was walking by and i stopped him. He was in hurry and i
just told him we had a message about Christ and prophets on the earth.
he said he had no time and i said "we know our message is true and that
it will bless your life" and i asked for his number and he laughed
kinda, but then gave it to me! The Holy Ghost is great! Tells you just
what to do at the right moment.!
Read a great article in a really old ensign,
September 2007 called The Power of laughter. Did you know that children
laugh about 400 times a day and adults only 15!? ya its pretty bad.
Gotta laugh and play more and be happy. Its the new goal for life! its
how you build good relationships and are successful in life.
I have a Scripture of the Week 1 Nephi 18:21- And it came to pass that i prayed unto the Lord; and after I had prayed the winds did cease and the storm did cease, and there was a great calm.
example from Old Testament- Jonah! Jonah 1:6,
14-15: 2:7-10; 3 Here in this part of the scriptures three different
times the people turned to the Lord and they were saved from destruction
both physical and spiritual.
example from New Testament Matthew 8:23-37- Christ calms the sea.
Ether 12:6, 12 We receive miracles and answers AFTER our faith!
Ether 6:5,8 - God sends wind and rain and storms and waves to push us onward and forward and upward to the promised land aka eternal life.
D&C 101:16 "For all flesh is in my hands: Be still and know that I am God"
BD: Prayer
- The act by which the will of the Father and the will of the child are
brought into correspondence with each secure for other and
ourselves the blessings God is already willing to grant....
D&C 121:7-8 "Peace be unto they Soul thine adversity and afflictions shall be but a small moment...."
that was my study of that verse. I loved it! and its not just for our
huge trials or anything its just for those silly moments when we feel
stress. we can pray to Him for all things. Big and small. our
investigator asked us if there was limit on how many times she could
pray in the day! we told her she could pray every moment of the day! she
was so excited!
The priesthood singing at our party |
it was a great week! we had alot of great meetings!
my favorite was with an inactive family. They both got baptized and with
in about a year got married! They are really cool and i just kinda
went all crazy on them. but you know why? i will tell you why, because
they have EVERY members dream! you got baptized and married a member!
but then they went inactive. We talked all about how they were needed to
help build our stake, but more importantly they needed to build their
own eternal family! I think it got to them....but i don't know. They
both have testimonies and read the book of Mormon, but just don't make
the effort. But the spirit was so strong! it was great!
"Every thing in the fridge pizza" |
studied the word Procrastination today. and its
meaning through the topical guide. it was intense. we don't want to be
found sleeping when christ comes aka doing NOTHING (Mark 13:32-37) but
we want to be found DOING SOMETHING GREAT! Matthew 24:36, 42 Are you
doing something great?
Well anyways. said alot and not alot all at the same
time :) I love you! and I love the Lord. This is His work. Keep on
keeping on! :)
Love Sister Trottier
This is a member that works in a show repair place. it was so cool we had to take a picture! haha he is sweet! if you can see there are wood carvings of captain and angel Moroni! His name is Sergei |
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