Contact Information

Russia 630102
46 Kirova
Russia Novosibirsk Mission
Sister Heather Trottier

(Yes I know it is backwards, its right I promise!)

Monday, October 10, 2011

Random Ramblings in Russia (Oct 10)

Hello hello!  another week gone by...ya strange but true!.  its been a crazy good week of contacting and lessons and meetings and conference!  yes we got to watch conference and it was all so great!  i loved the forget me nots one, i loved the teaching by the spirit one, and the book of mormon ones will be super super helpful for us!  its goin g to be so great!  and i love the prophet and all His messages. I love that he teaches us through his stories and experiences. i wrote myself a list of "General Conference Commandments" i got 30!!! haha but its a good thing.   its fun to watch conference here, all the members go into one room and we go into another for english. we all bring food and its just a big huge party! 
we were calling a lady who we wanted to visit an inactive lady and this is how the converstaion went.
Me:well we were just wonderi ng if we could come by and meet you and get to know you.
Babooshka: there are alot of dogs here
Me:  what?
B: there are a lot of dogs that live here
M: well thats not a problem, we wold like to come anyways
B:  (pause)  the little ones bite
M (chuckle) does it hurt?
B: of course it hurts!  
M:  well we aren't scared, im sure its fine
B: (sigh) call back tomorrow!  (hung up!)
:) haha it was so so funny!
saddest but most interesting response i have gotten so far. I went up to a couple and here its normal to ask "are you a believing person"  so i asked them and they looked at me, laughed and said "No, we are alcoholics"  and walked away.  I was shocked into silence!  didn't even know what to say!
Friday was the most interesting miraculous day i have ever had!  seriously!  first we had district meeting which is always awesome, and we had a few meetings that were set up but every single one fell through!  so.....we decided to go CONTACT! haha there were alot of great miracle stories but basically everyone wanted to talk to us!  everyone was interested in listening, they asked questions and they offered to give us their numbers etc etc. it was crazy.
i will tel you a few of them
1. we saw a lady playing with her little girl on the playground who was just so so cute, so i decided to go talk to her.  we talked about families being together, about christ, about Gods plan for us and about prophets. and we just chatted about life and how God can help in the small places and small things. we talked for about 15 minutes and were quite good friends after!  she thanked us for lifting her spirits and her faith and hope.  maybe she won't accept our message or come ever but at least we helped her feel Gods love. 
2. these two men had been walking behind us and watching us contact people. one came up to us and asked us if we were believing. we said yes and started talking with him. his friend was rude kinda but he was nice. we started talking about prophets and the friend (rude one)  asked what his name was i said Thoms Monson and he said "your not mormons are you!?!"  we explained who we were and he said "oh you are mormons!" grabbed his friends and walked away. We continued going on, they stopped at a store and when they came out they saw us again talking to a women.  The nice one came up to us and asked what we had told her, so we started talking to him about the restoration etc and the friend actually knew quite alot about us and was helping us out by telling about "new scripture"  and prophets leading us and stuff. He was being not too nice about it but it got his friend all excited! haha we showed him the book of mormon and he said "i want to read that book!"  and we said he could! his friend got mad and left but he stayed and we read the Book of Mormon promise in moroni and gave it to him.  He gave us his number and put his hand to his heart and thanked us.  
3. we were grin ning from ear to ear when we met a girl and started talking to her about english, she immediately asked if we were believing people and was our best friend right off the baT!  she said she wants to learn english but was also so happy to meet religious girls her age. she says that she believe God led us to meet each other!!  haha we think so too!  she was so great and gave me a great big huge hug before we left!  haha so great!  
4. usually when we stop families with strollers and little kids the moms wave their hands at us and say they dont' have time, or they hide their kids behind them like they are scared we will eat them!  but we stopped two families and they stopped and talked to us!!! we got the kids talking and they all had a great love for God and knew that He loved them.  We talked to them a bunch about how families are imporatnt to God.  it was great
5. to add to all of that we stopped a bunch of people who were excited to come to english and hang out with us there!  it was crazy
all in all it was a great day! which is crazy cause it was all contacting!  but it was awesome!  
we had a great FHE last week with the new senior couple and a mom and her son who is 17. it was incredible!  The senior couples help us out so so much! They can get to the hearts of the people in a way that we can't and they seem to be able to read them and get them to open up!  it was incredible! this kids name is Deema and he wants to learn english, we were surprised to find out that he know alot of english! he translated for his mom the whole night! haha after we asked why he didn't tell us he knew english.  he shrugged and said if we knew we wouldn't work on our russian...haha and we need the practice he said! haha very true very true!
we did service at a ladies house and cleaned windows which is always a treat!  they have the strangest windows and they are so so dirty and they have to be cleaned a certain way! haha but it was fun to get to know her.  She says my name is too hard.  She calls me Lucy.  
we have a young investigator named Nastia who needs some extra prayers. we don't know what is keeping her from coming to chruch. she loves the gospel and she loves all we teach her but there are underlying concerns we can't figure out.
We have alot of sick investigators!  all of them are in the hosipitial! which isn't as scary as it sounds. russians go to the hospitial all the time. its like hobbie. but still.  not so great for learning and progressing.  
the elders found  a girl right outside of the building who we are teaching (haha we stole her)  she is great and already believes in God. she just wants to know if what we have is true. her name is Katia.  
my time is over. I tried to write more stories. hope it was enjoyable. it has been stormy all week except today! but it is getting colder. crazy that it snowed in utah first! funny funny!  
well i love you! thanks for all you do and for the emails and the love and the prayers. hope all is well.. The church is true.  God answers our prayers through thoughts, feelings, scriptures, prophets, and other people.  He knows and loves us.
I love you!
Sister Trottier

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