Contact Information

Russia 630102
46 Kirova
Russia Novosibirsk Mission
Sister Heather Trottier

(Yes I know it is backwards, its right I promise!)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

so remember that story i told you about that family that i helped last week at internet?....well here is what happened. they left and we sat down and did internet.  after i had the urge to buy a new journal...almost out. and then after remembered we needed an album and then sister margolies wanted to buy some russian movies cause she is headed out and then ijust felt this weird urgency to go and so we got out and right at the bus stop was the dad of the family!!! i just introduced myself, told him that we had message for him about how his family could be together forever and it would bless his life.  he said "i believe you"! oh man, so we exchanged numbers!  we were nervous because we knew we were leaving soon so we called and went over and dropped by his work on tuesday and gave him a book of mormon and got to know him a bit.  told him he would love to meet us with his family when we got back. they are a muslim family and are really strong. he showed us pictures of his little boy and girl and wife. such a good family.
we have a lot of potential and people we want to turn into investigators! hope we can help alot of them!
We are all just here in Novosibirsk all five sisters! haha we are trying to be effective and use all of our time as the Lord would want us to do. We have tried to meet with alot of investigators and less actives but have also met with a few members. its been a good week but i am trying just not to worry about my people back in Tomsk. we have called a few to keep them going but we will just jump right in when we get back.  i am a little nervous about my new companion and me being a trainer but it will about be good and i am excited!
its crazy having 5 sisters in one apartment...but its also good. we have been going on crazy splits the whole time and i am learning to teach and work with all sorts of different sisters. I have already learned a whole lot just in the few days. no wonder elders have 24 hour exchanges...sad it doesn't really happen with us! you learn so much! 
i have loved being back and seeing all the people i love! its great seeing how some people ahve progressed and grown already, but also in just the few weeks i have been gone some have gone backwards which is really sad. 
this is a pretty lame email this time...but my excuse is that the picture sending was taking so long so thats why haha sorry!  
President Misha, the branch president is sending in an application to work for CES and he had to send in a video of him teaching people in english so he asked us if we could be his students.  we read in 2 kings and studied the stories of Elijah and Elisha and also the stories of Josiah.  I LOVED IT!  oh man im such a big nerd, but it was so good!  its hard to just read through it of course but we just had a panel of missionaries all discussing the symbolism and how we can relate it to our day and the callings of prophets etc etc and faith and obedience and it was legit! i wanna take an old testament class when i get home probably. i don't know it very well...lets me honest i know nothing about the old testament except Noah, Joseph and David and Goliath and Moses and that is all just because there are movies about them haha!   but the thing i learned is that we can make the scriptures come alive when we study them with others and when we just all say what we are thinking because someone can learn from it probably!   its great.
Everything is good with me.  all is well.  I keep having dreams about me being home...probably because my comp is going home, but soon that will not be the case so it will probably stop i think. :) i love missionary work! it brings me so much joy! even when we get rejected and things don't work the miracls and the things that do work and the people that do accept make it all worth it.  I love the Gospel! 
I love you all so much! i hope you have a good week! 
Love Sister Trottier

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